Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mr. Fix-it

Hello Blogger friends! Thanks for taking the time to stop and visit with The Charmed Life Blog today. 

Well, my house is too quiet now after my CA kids left yesterday. I miss them already. But it was such a wonderful family time and that's the memories I want to hold onto. 

After we came back from the airport yesterday the two little ones from next door came over for a visit. They are 6 & 4. They helped me strip the beds and throw the sheets down the laundry chute. Any kid that has ever come to my house loves to throw things down the chute. Even if it's not laundry (LOL)! They wanted to help especially after I told them I had some chores to do and couldn't visit just then. 

We had some lemonade and treats and then they wanted to watch a movie. So, we did that for a bit before their Mom came to collect them. They just love coming over. They sometimes help my hubby in his garden and then they get to play hide and seek with him. I sometimes to do crafts with them which they also love. Their grandparents don't live close, so we are their "adopted ones".

Now onto my card for today. This one I made for my hubby for Father's Day, but it could be used for a masculine birthday as well. He really liked it and so did I. He has come a long way since we were first married with being able to fix things around our home.  

I used the colors from the Splitcoaststampers color challenge #1003. I was the hostess, and I chose real red, azure afternoon and daffodil delight for my color trio. Optional was anything goes.
real red, azure afternoon, daffodil delight

I cut my pegboard in kraft cardstock (neutral) using the Pegboard die from MFT. The tools are also from MFT and I cut in metallic silver and the handles in the challenge colors. The hammer is cut in soft suede (neutral).

Well, that's it for me for this post. So, until next time......God bless. 

Card Details:
Paper: real red, azure afternoon, daffodil delight, kraft, soft suede (Stampin' Up), silver metallic (Paper Temptress)
Paper Size: A2
Accessories: pegboard die, tool time die, little numbers & little letters dies (MFT), 

I am also entering:
1.  Cardz 4 Guys has a masculine challenge. 
2.  Aloha Friday has a masculine challenge. 
3Crafty Catz has a masculine challenge. 
4.  Creative Fingers Challenge #280 is anything goes. 
5.  613 Avenue Create has an anything goes w/option for the guys. 


  1. Fantastic masculine card! I love the colors you used to make this pop. Just perfect! Thank you for sharing this with us at 613 Avenue

  2. Those are the cutest dies, and love the real look of the peg board background! Thanks for sharing with us at Cardz 4 Guys!

  3. Fantastic fix it card!! Thanks for playing along with our "anything goes" challenge over at Cardz4Guyz!! You nailed this masculine challenge with this workshop card!!
    Deb Horst, DT #C4G



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